For Doodah With Love

The Tree

Ain't Love Grand
Daddy Doodah
Daddy's Tree
The Quilt
This and That
Daddy on Doctors
More Daddy
My Page
Birthday Surprise!!
Mommy's Page
Nana's Page
Daddy's Poem for Mommy
Kendra's Tribute to Daddy

A few days after Kendra’s Daddy died, Nana’s old school friend Sylvia Mohundro contacted Kendra by email and offered to plant a tree in his memory in Central Park, Huntington Beach where she takes a daily walk.  She told her how to get on the Internet and pick the kind of tree it should be, and a silver maple was chosen.

.... Swiftly, fly the years - One season following another, laden with happiness and tears ....

Taylor and Kendra planting some flowers to keep Daddy's tree company

In July of 2003, Sylvia, Jeri, Kendra and Syl’s grandson Taylor went to the park to watch as the tree was being dedicated .  Below are the words that were read as that was happening

Dearest Ricky

We look to the roots and are reminded of how deeply your influence runs through our lives.  We look at the trunk and see the support you continue to give to us.  We look at the leaves and we see the beauty of rebirth, the continuity of life.  We look at the branches reaching up and out, and are reminded of growing and stretching and pushing to see, experience and be more than we already are.  We cannot see you with our eyes, or hear you with our ears, but we will forever feel you in our hearts.  You are always near us, and never nearer than when we come with you to visit your tree, in this place of peace.  Love you …


Kendra and Mother


We visit the tree often to make sure it's getting enough water.  In April of 2004, one year since he'd been gone, we had a picnic with friends by the tree to celebrate Daddy's life.

Music on this page:  What a Wonderful World - Midi Sequence