For Doodah With Love

The Quilt of Memories

Ain't Love Grand
Daddy Doodah
Daddy's Tree
The Quilt
This and That
Daddy on Doctors
More Daddy
My Page
Birthday Surprise!!
Mommy's Page
Nana's Page
Daddy's Poem for Mommy
Kendra's Tribute to Daddy




To understand the special meaning of the quilt, you would need to know about the four generations of friendship between the Hemphill and Morrison families.  Jeri and Linda became fast friends in elementary school.  Their mothers, Evelyn and Jewel, met through them and became bestest friends who spoke on the phone daily most of their lives.  Their fathers, Ken and Jim, became friends as well.  In 1965, Jeri & Linda became "womb-mates" and Rick & Julie were born just 11 days apart.  They were forever friends too (tattling on each other well into adulthood) ......and now their children are friends as well.  Cool!

Sam, Taylor, Kendra, Jackson & "The Kids"
Daddy & Julie, 2002

Mama J & Papa J, Nana's Other Parents

Linda's and Nana's parents at a Hobo party in the 60's.  L to R
Jeri's Dad, Libby, Jane, Linda's Mom, Unknown, Jeri's Mom, Linda's Dad


When Rick passed away, Linda asked "what are you doing with his clothes?"  No thought had been given to that.  But then she suggested Kendra go through his stuff, pick her favorites (T Shirts, shorts, whatever!) and ship it to New Jersey.  Three months later, the quilt was delivered to Kendra.  What a treasure this is ....


In the end, Kendra chose mostly "grubbies", his most casual clothes, to be honored.  The patriotic and sparkly flags at the bottom are his special 4th of July boxer shorts.  Also included was his favorite necktie,
Red Fish Blue Fish.


This is the dedication square on the back of the quilt.

Although she has been repeatedly told, Linda will probably never know just how much this meant to Kendra and Jeri.


Music on this page:  I Believe I Can Fly - Midi Sequence