For Doodah With Love

Ain't Love Grand
Daddy Doodah
Daddy's Tree
The Quilt
This and That
Daddy on Doctors
More Daddy
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Birthday Surprise!!
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Nana's Page
Daddy's Poem for Mommy
Kendra's Tribute to Daddy

Rick Livingstone
5/12/1966 - 4/19/2003


Too Huge


Too cute, that was you, when you were a kid

Too funny the things that you said and you did


Too hard were your teen years (too much for this mother)

Too soon I would learn you were not like your brother.


Too accident-prone, lots of bruises and scars

And too many visits to docs and ER’s.


We loved you too much, but – invariably -

The wrong time, the wrong place you managed to be! J


Too tragic, too crippling, the loss of your dad

Too young, you and Christy, to save what you had


Too headstrong, determined, you did things your way

Too good at your work, and too carefree at play.


Too much time we wasted on opposite ends

Not too late, we learned, we were very close friends J J


Too courageous your “can-cure,” your struggle to win

Too long did you fool them – again and again!


Too brave to give up, but too sick to go on

You left us too early in the hours before dawn


We’ll see and remember you each way we turn

We know you’ll rejoice as you watch Kendra learn


Too huge is that hole in our lives, where you were

She’ll fill it with me, I’ll fill it with her.


We’ll fill it with friends you made ‘long the way

We’ll think of your smile, and smile back every day


You were quite sentimental, a real mushy guy

You’d end every phone call “much love” … “love ya –bye!”


Your humor, your music, your quick witty ways

Will live on in Kendra the rest of her days


Your greatest achievement, the source of your pride

Will go through her life with your spirit inside


Though too soon we lost you, You’ll NEVER  be gone

Too huge – and forever- our love will go on.  L



“Much love” Ricky – Your “Significant Mother”


Kendra read this poem at Rick's memorial service.

To see or sign Rick's permanent Guestbook
through, go to the link on "My Page."

Music  "Papa Was a Rolling Stone" - Midi Sequence