For Doodah With Love

My Christy Lee

Ain't Love Grand
Daddy Doodah
Daddy's Tree
The Quilt
This and That
Daddy on Doctors
More Daddy
My Page
Birthday Surprise!!
Mommy's Page
Nana's Page
Daddy's Poem for Mommy
Kendra's Tribute to Daddy

Daddy wrote it - Mommy can still recite it



Christy Lee


When I think of her, I think of us

And what we have together

Warm sand, warm days, you know

Our Xanadu, 100% perfect weather





It’s not that I’m infatuated with her kind, you see

On the contrary that lasted only a year

I now know her so well

I sense her when she’s near

She’s kind of like a missing piece

To some obscure machine

That flutters and sputters but doesn’t quite click

‘Til you give it some TLC

Tending Loving Christy!

Hey , that’s what she’s like

If only I could package her

I’d be set for life

But as I think, I realize

That wouldn’t be so great

To give her up, even an ounce

Would surely seal my fate

You see, we mesh with such finesse

That it would surely seem

A piece of her is a piece of us,

And so, a piece of me


By Rick, for Christy, July 1988


Music on this page:  You Are So Beautiful - Midi Sequence


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